Khadījah ﵂

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Khadījah bint Khuwaylid ﵂ was the first wife of Prophet Muḥammad's ﷺ. She was an affluent woman from the noble Asad clan. Her full lineage is Khadījah bint Khuwaylid b. Asad b. ʿAbd al-ʿUzzā b. Qušayy b. Kilāb b. Murray b. Kaʿb b. Luwayy. She was given the nickname Ṭāhirah due to her pure and chaste character. Khādijah ﵂ was from the best businesswomen amongst the Quraysh. Whenever the trade caravans would be sent out, her load would surpass the combined goods of the rest of the caravan. Rather than going with the caravan herself, she would hire a trustworthy individual to take her goods. Accordingly, Muḥammad ﷺ, who was known as al-Āmīn, was the most trustworthy man in Makkah. Khadījah ﵂ requested him to accompany her load which was heading toward Syria. As a form or incentive, she offered to double the regular wage of similar business partnerships. This not only emphasizes the chaste demeanor of Khadījah ﵂ for sending someone on her behalf rather than going herself, but also the generosity of the Makkan people at large.