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From Nabi.Wiki

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Welcome to Nabi.Wiki, an effort to encompass the sīrah of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ and his beloved Ṣaḥābah ﵃ in wiki format. May Allah ﷻ accept all efforts to preserve and propagate the teachings of our Beloved Messenger ﷺ. The project was born out of the desire facilitate access to the biography of the Final Messenger ﷺ in an easily searchable format. By having an independent wiki apart from the comprehensive Wikipedia, we do not have to conform to "neutral practices", such as omitting honorifics or relying upon Orientalist sources. Editing of the wiki is restricted to approved scholars and students of the Islamic sciences to maintain the integrity of all the information on the site.

For information on how to contribute to the wiki, visit the contributing page.